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Engaging Vitality:

Fundamentals Course Series

A Palpation-Based Approach to

More Effectively Work with Qi

-Dan Bensky, Marguerite Dinkins & Rayén Antón

March - May, 2019
(9am - 5pm)
75 NW Couch St
Portland, OR 97209
$1,600 (Professionals)
$1,300 (Students/Full time Faculty)
45.5 NCCAOM  & CA PDAs (Pending)
Registration refund policy:
90% refund applied if request received greater than 2-weeks from date of event
No refunds if cancellation received within 2-weeks of event*


  • March 23-24, 2019: Introduction to Qi Palpation in the Practice of Acupuncture

-Marguerite Dinkins, LAc


  • April 27-28, 2019: Intermediate Techniques in Qi Palpation in the Practice of Acupuncture

-Dan Bensky, DO


  • *May 25-27, 2019: Fluid Dynamics and the Use of the Extraordinary Vessels in the Practice of Acupuncture

-Rayén Antón, LAc

*Three day weekend Sat-Mon


Efficacy in acupuncture is grounded in a therapeutic engagement with qi. Doing this well requires not only carefully listening to patients with our ears, but also with our hands.


Although pulse and abdominal diagnosis are hallmarks of manual diagnosis in East Asian medicine, they represent just a fraction of the information available. This three-weekend training will enhance your ability to more directly perceive and make use of qi in your practice.

How Is This Program Applicable To Your Practice?

Using the palpatory sensibilities and vocabulary of osteopathy, participants will be introduced to tangible palpatory referents for different aspects of qi, including:

  • How to directly feel which points are most available for treatment and their precise locations

  • How to feel whether your treatments have produced a clinically meaningful change

  • How to use of the principle of effortless action (wu wei) in your practice


Techniques such as these allow us to respond more fluidly to the requirements of our patients’ qiin a true dialogue. They are primarily diagnostic in nature and are readily integrated with nearly any style of acupuncture. They provide a means for the fundamental concepts of East Asian medicine to come to life in our hands.


Participants will learn the basics of this palpation approach in the first two weekends. In the third weekend, Rayen will demonstrate how these diagnostic aids can deepen our understanding and improve our ability to use the extraordinary vessels.



At the completion of this seminar you will learn:

  • To recognize and treat the most common pediatric complaints

  • The integration of Meridian Therapy root Tx into your practice

  • To incorporate the 8 Extraordinary Vessels into treatments

  • Unique diagnostic techniques with special emphasis on the refinement of your palpation & touch

  • How to give a whole-body shonishin treatment for all ages


Instructor Bio's



Dan Bensky, DO

Dan has a long-term interest in Chinese and Chinese medicine, having obtained a diploma in Chinese medicine from the Macau Institute of Chinese Medicine in 1975, a Masters in Classical Chinese from the University of Washington in 1996, and a Doctorate in the Discussion of Cold Damage from the China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences in 2006.


He also graduated with a Doctor of Osteopathy from Michigan State University College of Osteopathic Medicine in 1982, where he was a research assistant for John Upledger. He has studied with many notable osteopathic practitioners, including Robert Fulford and Jean-Pierre Barral.


In addition to teaching for both professions, he has been working on utilizing the connections between osteopathy and East Asian medicine for over thirty years. He is currently a medical editor at Eastland Press and has a private practice in Seattle.



Marguerite Dinkins MAcOM, LAc

Marguerite has been a student of acupuncture and palpation since 1997, when she began her studies at the Seattle Institute of East Asian Medicine. Since that time, she has continued to study palpation with Dan Bensky and Chip Chace, and for many years has assisted them in teaching palpation in the practice of acupuncture. She has also completed three years of osteopathic training at the Canadian College of Osteopathy in Vancouver, BC.

Since 2007, Marguerite has been instrumental in making palpation a central part of the clinical experience at the Seattle Institute of East Asian Medicine. In addition to her extensive clinical experience, Marguerite has a unique ability to understand the specific needs of her students, especially those grappling with the early challenges of developing palpatory awareness.

Marguerite has maintained an active private practice since her graduation from SIOM in 2000.



Rayén Antón (LAc Spain)

Rayén started her path into chinese medicine in 2002 and then graduated as TCM practitioner in the Fundación Europea de Medicina Tradicional China in Barcelona. Later she continued studying various types of Japanese acupuncture with Stephen Birch learning Manaka style, Meridian Therapy, Shonishin, and graduated in 2007 as Toyohari practitioner with the European Branch of Toyohari Association. In 2011 started her path with Engaging Vitality studying with Charles Chace and Dan Bensky, and she fully integrated the Engaging Vitality approach into her practice ever since. She now runs the Engaging Vitality spanish study groups and also teaches the introductory module in Spain.  

She has been working as well with Prof. Manuel Rodríguez in Barcelona for his TCM, Manaka, Meridian Therapy and Paediatric trainings since 2005, and was part of his clinic team since 2003 and since 2010 she added running her private acupuncture practice in Barcelona.




TJM Seminars

Founded in 2007 by Bob Quinn, DAOM, LAc and Ryan J Milley, MAcOM, LAc.​

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